Yorkshire Youth Development Worker
Jo Baynham our Yorkshire Youth Development worker is spending some time helping us to develop our youth and children’s work in York, at the area meeting level.
The bedrock of what he is proposing a three stranded;
- Regular Socials, mostly for teens but occasionally all age
- Teen meetings for worship in a variety of locations around the AM, not always on a Sunday
- Regular in person Quaker philosophical exploration sessions called “Big Questions?”.
Beyond this, it is hoped that Jo can support the youth, children’s and all age leadings, events and ideas of York AM meetings with a view to collectively building a welcoming and exciting programme of provisions.
Such support might be,
- Helping individual LM’s think about youth outreach
- Supporting and facilitating all age meetings for worship
- Supporting day trips and events
- Supporting meetings as they grapple with safeguarding and statutory compliance
- Training and supporting volunteers
2023 York AM Youth work enquiry form
A form by which York Friends can volunteer and suggest to the York Youthwork project